Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform

The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform website has been launched! Here, you can access and share good practice, and help make the Circular Economy a reality.

CONAMA - 2018

LIFE byProtVal participó en el Congreso Nacional de Medio Ambiente que se celebró en Madrid los días 28 y 29 de noviembre de 2018.

El Congreso Nacional de Medio Ambiente (CONAMA) es un encuentro imprescindible para el networking ambiental, el intercambio de conocimientos y experiencias y la creación de redes de colaboración entre los diferentes actores españoles e iberoamericanos que trabajan en el desarrollo sostenible. El objetivo de su 14ª edición, que contó con más de 8.700 visitantes, fue promover el encuentro de los retos que comprometen a España en el marco de la Agenda 2030 de la ONU y los objetivos de la UE para 2020, 2030 y 2050. No en vano, el lema de la edición de 2018 fue "Acercándonos al 20,30".

El proyecto LIFE byProtVal se presentó a través de la comunicación técnica titulada "Sinergias entre los sectores agroalimentario e industrial: Promoviendo la Economía Circular".


LIFE byProtVal participated in the National Environment Congress that was held in Madrid on November 28th and 29th, 2018.

The National Congress on Environment (CONAMA) is an essential meeting for environmental networking, knowledge and experiences sharing and the creation of collaborative networks between the different Spanish and Ibero-American stakeholders that work in sustainable development. The aim of its 14th edition, which had more than 8,700 visitors, was to promote the meeting of the challenges that commit Spain within the framework of the UN 2030 Agenda and the EU's objectives for 2020, 2030 and 2050. Not in vain, the motto of the 2018 edition was "Approaching 20.30".

The LIFE project byProtVal was presented by means of the technical communication entitled "Synergies between agri-food and industrial sectors: Promoting the Circular Economy".

CONAMA Local Valencia 2017

LIFE byPRotVal was presented at the 2017 edition of CONAMA Local that was held in Valencia on 27th to 29th November.

Conama Local Valencia 2017 is a forum of discussion and work among professionals and stakeholders, with the overall objective of aligning local policies with the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Ageemento climate change.

The event is aimed at a specialized audience, which include: institutional representatives of national, regional and organizations; entrepreneurs; representatives of companies; leaders of organizations of civil society, teaching and research staff and journalists.

The LIFE project byProtVal was presented by technical communication entitled ”Circular Economy and sustainability in the leathers of future”

Conferencia de Re-Live Waste

Durante la Conferencia Final del proyecto RE-LIVE WASTE "Economía circular y sostenibilidad en ganadería" Francisca Arán de INESCOP participa en la Mesa redonda "Más allá de la estruvita: sinergias con otras soluciones para la gestión de residuos".
Francisca Arán ha expuesto los avances en el proyecto BYPROTVAL y cómo es posible la recuperación y reciclaje de proteínas a partir de procesos de subproductos animales valorizando un subproducto animal para otros usos de mayor valor añadido en la industria química y de biofertilizantes y fomentando así la bioeconomía circular.

La jornada se enmarca dentro del proyecto RE LIVE WASTE "Mejora de las capacidades de innovación de los agentes privados y públicos para el REciclado sostenible y rentable de los RESIDUOS DE LA GANADERÍA" cuyo objetivo principal es estimular la innovación entre las instituciones públicas y las empresas privadas para una gestión más eficaz de los residuos de la ganadería intensiva, facilitando la cooperación entre investigadores, empresas, administraciones públicas y la sociedad civil.

En la mesa redonda también han participado

Antonia Cobacho - Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales de la Agencia de Gestión Agraria y Pesquera de Andalucía - Proyecto REINWASTE - España.

Said Karić - Tratamiento del estiércol en la granja Spreča - Bosnia-Herzegovnia

Maria Antonietta Dessena - Ente Acque della Sardegna - Proyecto ENI CBC MED - MEDISS Sistema integrado mediterráneo de abastecimiento de agua - Italia


LIFE byProtVal was presented in the 2017 edition of ECOFIRA that was held in Valencia on 28th to 30th November.

ECOFIRA is the international trade fair for environmental solutions and energies, the meeting point where companies and public bodies present the latest advances in efficient environmental management. With 14 editions held, the event has established itself as a reference for professionals and companies in the sector, not only for its commercial offer, but also for its character as a forum for debate and knowledge.

At the conference entitled “A boost to the Circular Economy in the Footwear”, that was presented by INESCOP’s staff within the Forum on Circular Economy, LIFE byProtVal was presented as an opportunity for the tanning and footwear industries to incorporate products and solutions base don the Circular Economy.

Besides byProtVal dissemination material was exhibited at INESCOP’s area within the booth  of REDIT (the Network of Institutes of Technology in the Valencia Region).


LIFE byPRotVal participated in the 16th edition of ECOFIRA, the International trade fair for environmental solutions and energies that took place on 06-08 November 2018.

ECOFIRA is a meeting point between companies and public bodies with an interest in efficient environmental management, waste treatment and sustainable development.

The dissemination material of LIFE byPRotVal project was available to visitors of the exhibition area, in the INESCOP space within the REDIT stand (Network of Technological Institutes of the Valencian Community).


LIFE byPRotVal participó en la 16ª edición de ECOFIRA, la Feria Internacional de soluciones y energías ambientales que tuvo lugar del 06 al 08 de noviembre de 2018.

ECOFIRA es un punto de encuentro entre empresas y organismos públicos con interés en la gestión ambiental eficiente, el tratamiento de residuos y el desarrollo sostenible.

El material divulgativo del proyecto LIFE byPRotVal estuvo a disposición de los visitantes de la zona expositiva, en el espacio de INESCOP dentro del stand de REDIT (Red de Institutos Tecnológicos de la Comunidad Valenciana).

El proyecto LIFE byProtVal se presentó en la conferencia "Por una industria sostenible"

El proyecto LIFE byProtVal fue presentado a representantes de la industria y la Administración en una Jornada dedicada a la sostenibilidad en sectores estratégicos de la Comunidad Valenciana.

El 26 de junio de 2018, INESCOP acogió la jornada "Por una industria sostenible", en la que empresas, centros de investigación y representantes de la Administración abordaron uno de los grandes retos de la industria del calzado y componentes: la sostenibilidad. Allí se presentó LIFE byProtVal como ejemplo de sinergia industrial en materia de sostenibilidad y mejora del impacto ambiental en sectores tradicionales como el calzado.

In-key to innovation business meetings

LIFE byProtVal was presented at the "In-key to innovation business meetings" that were held in Villena on 20th to 24th November.

Organized by the Department of Economic Development of Villena (Alicante), these meetings, framed in the Award "City of Science and Innovation" granted by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, are intended to be a boost to the incorporation of Innovation in the economic sectors of the city.

The event was attended by representatives of the local business community, as well as local and regional institutions and technology centers specialized in the different industrial sectors of interest.

Within the paper "Circular economy in footwear & sustainable technologies", the LIFE project byProtVal was presented an opportunity for the sectors of tanning and footwear to incorporate products and technological solutions based on the Circular Economy.

In addition, the dissemination material of the project was available to attendees in the exhibition area of the event.

LIFE byProtVal project was presented in "For a sustainable industry Conference"

The LIFE byProtVal project was presented to representatives of the industry and the Administration in a Day dedicated to sustainability in strategic sectors of the Valencian Region.

On June 26, 2018, INESCOP hosted the conference “For a sustainable industry”, in which companies, research centers and representatives of the Administration addressed one of the great challenges of the footwear and components industry: sustainability. There, LIFE byProtVal was presented as an example of industrial synergy in terms of sustainability and improvement of the environmental impact in traditional sectors such as footwear.

Re-Live Waste final online conference

During project’s Final Conference of the RE-LIVE WASTE "Circular economy and sustainability in livestock farming" Francisca Arán from INESCOP participate in the Panel discussion "Beyond struvite: synergies with other solutions for waste management" 

Francisca Arán has exposed the advances in the proyect BYPROTVAL and how protein recovery and recycling from animal by- products processes is possible valorising an animal by-product to other uses with higher added value in the chemical and biofertiliser industry and thus promoting the circular bioeconomy.

The conference was part of the project RE LIVE WASTE "Improving innovation capacities of private and public actors for sustainable and profitable REcycling of LIVEstock WASTE" which main objetctive is to stimulate innovation among public institutions and private companies for a more effective management of waste from intensive livestock farming, by facilitating cooperation between researchers, businesses, public authorities and the civil society.

In the panel session have also participated: 

Antonia Cobacho - Department of International Relations at the Andalusian Agricultural and Fisheries Management Agency - Project REINWASTE - Spain

Said Karić – Treatment of manure on Spreča Farm - Bosnia-Herzegovnia

Maria Antonietta Dessena - Ente Acque della Sardegna – Project ENI CBC MED - MEDISS Mediterranean Integrated System for Water Supply – Italy

Sardinia Symposium 2017

LIFE byProtVal launching was announced at the LIFE Programme Workshop that was held on 2nd October 2017 in Sardinia, in the framework of the 16th International Waste Management & Landfill Symposium.

The International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium is a biennial event that has become the Reference Forum in the field of Waste Management for the international community, where state of the art concepts, strategies and technologies are presented and experiences shared by leading scientists, administrators and practitioners. In its 16th edition (Sardinia2017), held on 2nd to 6th October 2017, the Symposium was structured in eight parallel tracks, a poster session and an exhibition area where the LIFE Programme had a space.

On 2nd October, sessions F1 and F2 were devoted to the LIFE Programme. Financing opportunities and main results of eight financed projects were presented at such sessions. Here, we had the opportunity of present the newly started LIFE byProtVal.

Besides, dissemination material of LIFE byProtVal was exhibited during the whole Symposium at the LIFE Programme booth.

Technical innovations in tanning

LIFE byProtVal project was presented at the Workshop "Technical innovations in tanning" that was held in Valencia on 29 November 2017

The Valencia Business Confederation (CEV) held the workshop "Technical innovations in tanning", in which technicians and industry experts were informed on the latest available novelties in tanning of hides and skins.

In the communication entitled "Circular economy and sustainable tanning", LIFE byProtVal project was presented as an opportunity for the tanning sector to incorporate technological products and solutions based on the Circular Economy.

52 participants, of whom over 40 were technicians of the tanning sector, attended this Workshop which, in addition, counted with the participation of the certifying body Leather Working Group.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

This project has received funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreement LIFE16 ENV/ES/000467.

Information published in this website reflects only the authors’ view. CINEA and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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